Kamis, 01 Mei 2014

Touching Labour Day video puts spotlight on less popular jobs in Singapore

By Nurul Azliah Aripin | What's buzzing? – 

Refuse truck driver, quay crane operator or being the person who maintains train tracks while Singapore sleeps.

These are some of the less popular and recognised jobs in the city-state highlighted in a touching and eye-opening Labour Day tribute video titled "Unsung Heroes", which was done by local filmmaker Ryan Sylvia and his team.

While Labour Day may mean going on a short getaway or catching up with the family for some, the cinematographer and his team used the occasion to spread awareness about such local workers in Singapore.

"We pledge to stand with workers of Singapore" they said at the end of the meaningful video. Those who pledge to do the same can show their support by sharing the 5 minute 39 second clip on social media.

The video has garnered close to 40,000 views in just two days since it was uploaded onto YouTube on Wednesday. The video was also screened at a May Day rally in Singapore, said a video commenter.


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