Kamis, 15 Mei 2014

Security guard sacked after posting vulgar comment on PM Lee’s Facebook page

By Nurul Azliah Aripin | Yahoo Newsroom – 

Security guard Ridhuan Abdullah, 30, has been sacked from Keith Morton Security Pte Ltd after posting a vulgar comment on Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's Facebook page, security firms' owner William Morton Jr confirmed with Yahoo Singapore over the phone on Thursday.
When asked for further comments on the man who posted the vulgar statement on PM Lee's Mothers' Day post on Sunday, Morton said, "We would like the matter closed and leave it as it is."
An earlier report by The Straits Times quoted him as saying, "He clearly breached our company's code of conduct and we cannot tolerate this."
He added that such a conduct "cannot be condoned", especially when security officers are expected to "uphold basic standards of decorum", according to the report.
The vulgar comment, which has already been deleted, reportedly drew more than 20,000 Likes after being posted. The Facebook user posted the 13-word comment directed at PM Lee's mother under the moniker Grizzlybear Ridhuan Abdullah at that time.
The former security guard later changed his Facebook username to Kazuki Sanada, according to a screen grab posted on MyCarForum.com on Thursday, in which the user claimed that Singapore's Criminal Investigation Department had "pressured" his boss to fire him immediately.
Today, his Facebook username has been changed to his actual name.


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