Kamis, 15 Mei 2014

Chinese school cafeteria does without chairs so students can eat faster

By Nurul Azliah Aripin | What's buzzing? – 

While students in Singapore get to enjoy their meals during recess with their classmates sitting on benches, those in a school in China's Liaoning province have to stand.

According to China Daily, the school said that eating while standing will make the students eat faster, making way for others to use the table.

Doesn't that sound like punishment? Not for this school, which continue to reason that the chairs have been taken away from its school canteen so that they can fit more students in the cafeteria, among other reasons.

Chomping down the food while standing is apparently also good for digestion, and that the students will have more time to rest afterwards, the school had reportedly said.

However, according to a Chinese traditional medicine expert Liu Jingchun, that is not the case. She reportedly said that the "healthiest way to eat is to sit down instead of walk, stand or lie down."

Photos of those students standing elbow-to-elbow while eating their lunch, have been posted online.

While it may have been absurd sight for students from Singapore, it seems to be the norm in the over-populated country, which now has 1.351 billion people as of 2012.

According to Shanghaiist, around 80 per cent of online citizens said that it is "normal" to eat without sitting.


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