Kamis, 07 Agustus 2014

Yahoo Fast Flicks frequently asked questions (FAQ)

By Alycia Lim | Yahoo Newsroom – 

Create a two-minute video. Win up to S$15,000.

Yahoo Fast Flicks is Yahoo Singapore's inaugural made-for-web video competition to unearth the next budding video talent. You can be a pro, an amateur or just a dreamer — all you need to do is go out and shoot a two-minute video that shouts "you".

Q: What is the theme?
A: YOLO  - You Only Live Once. All submissions must have this theme in mind.
Q: How do I submit my video?
A: Entries must be submitted through the contest site, Yahoo.com/fastflicks between 7 – 21 October, according to technical requirements below:
(a)   Formats: flv, mp4, avi, mpg, wmv, mov.
(b)   Maximum file size is 2GB.
(c)    Video duration: minimum of one minute, maximum of two minutes.
(d)   Video must be in English or subtitled in English.
Q: May I submit a video that has been screened and/or awarded in another competition?
A: No, videos must be created for the purpose of this contest and must not have been screened or submitted in any other competitions.
Q: Is there a limit to the amount of videos I can submit?
A: Each person is allowed to submit only one video, either as an individual or as part of a group. If it is a group project, the entry shall be represented by one person in the group.
Q: Is it mandatory to obtain rights clearance for music or other copyrighted materials used in the video?
A: Yes, it is necessary to clear all copyrighted materials used in the video before it is screened publicly. It is the sole responsibility of the participants to ensure that they have obtained permission for the inclusion of copyrighted materials.
Q: Will animations be accepted?
A: Yes, animations are accepted. Any video technique is acceptable.
Q:Where can I get more information?
A: More information is available at here.


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