Selasa, 12 Agustus 2014

Congratulations pour in for PM Lee’s 10th year anniversary as Singapore’s leader

By Nurul Azliah Aripin | What's buzzing? – 

Praise and congratulations poured in for Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on Tuesday for his 10th anniversary in the office after he put a post on his Facebook page expressing thanks for the support he has received throughout the years.

"I am grateful for this opportunity to serve my country and fellow citizens. I learn much from the people I meet, those who write to me, and those following me on social media. Your views and insights have shown me what we are doing well, and where we need to do better. Your support and engagement means a lot to me," he wrote.

"Thank you too, to the volunteers, grassroots leaders, and supporters who give so generously of your time and energy," he said, adding his thanks as well to Emeritus Senior Minister and former Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong for his guidance.

The Facebook post garnered over 15,000 Likes, over 500 shares and more than 600 comments.

Among the comments posted, Facebook user Chinny Liew said, "Sir, I truly think that MM and you are doing a great job in developing our country. I had lived in Switzerland for 4 years and the US for 6, at the end of the day, I still come home. Because I truly feel that the government here have heart for their citizens. A lot of people has a lot of comments and negativity towards the government, I feel that's because they had not truly lived overseas, they did not have the real.experience. But that's just my opinion."

This was the most popular comment, which garnered close to 300 Likes.

Comments spilled over to the Twitter platform as well. See below for a collection of some of the reactions:

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