Rabu, 23 April 2014

Mother of late prison inmate withdraws appeal for further inquest into son’s death

By Nurul Azliah Aripin | Yahoo Newsroom – 

The mother of an inmate who died in prison on 27 September 2010 due to position asphyxia has withdrawn her appeal to continue with the inquest into her son's death, according to a joint statement released by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) and Madam Selvi d/o Narayanasamy on Wednesday.
The statement said that the government had "from the outset" admitted responsibility and will be providing compensation over the death, caused by the negligence of a Deputy Superintendent of Prison Lim Kwo Yin. The son, Dinesh Raman s/o Chinnaiah, was 21 years old at the time.
The amount of compensation has not been disclosed.
MHA said they arrived at an amicable settlement with Madam Selvi on Tuesday last week.
As part of the settlement, Madam Selvi has agreed to withdraw all her allegations of assault and abuse of authority against prison officers towards her late son. She has also accepted the cause of her son's death, and that the discontinuation of the coroner's inquiry in July last year had taken place in accordance with the law.
The settlement between Madam Selvi and MHA closes the three-year case, which aroused speculation and questions from the public since it came to light.  
After Dinesh Raman's body was returned, the family spotted bruises and blood clots at various parts of the body.
According to the Criminal Investigation Department in July three years later, they said, "the deceased was being placed in a prone position on the ground where he died due to breathing".
The coroner's inquiry into Dinesh Raman's death was discontinued on 24 July of last year following the findings of criminal inquiry where Lim pleaded guilty and a $10,000 fine was imposed.  


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